Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Why Campaign Money may not mean shit

Everyone is watching the war chests of the candidates. Who has got how many millions who isn't making thier goals etc etc etc. The truth of the matter is none of that means shit. There are two undeclared candidates that the base pundits will vote for even if they don't spend a dime. What the MSM refuses to spell out is the only people that vote in primaries are the base. The base will accept Rudy, They don't trust Romney, and McCain can't get elected if he was the only one in the room. That gives it to Rudy by default. Two people however are going to change that dynamic drasticly between now and October Fred Thompson and Newt Gingrich. The base needs no campaign commercials from either man. We know them and we trust them. The decision will come down to one factor, can Newt be elected. The press and the left hate him. That may make the base go with Thompson between the two. Not that what either of those two groups says matters but it is a hurdle that the base may not want to take a chance with when we are at war. A democrat can not be our next President.

Fred Thompson

Fred Thompson is an excellant communicater with the brass balls to say the truth, something that he shares with Newt. He also comes with an impressive record including leading the fight that abolished the special prosecuter provisions. here is a brief background.

Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) was the Senate Watergate Committee's chief minority counsel in 1973 and 1974. In 1975 he wrote a Watergate memoir entitled "At That Point in Time." Thompson chaired the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, which held hearings in 1997 on the 1996 campaign finance controversies, from 1997 to 2001.

After Watergate, Thompson served as special counsel to former Tennessee governor Lamar Alexander and special counsel to both the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Senate Intelligence Committee. In his first foray into electoral politics, in 1994, he won the special election for former vice president Al Gore's Senate seat.

Thompson is also an actor, with roles in 18 feature films including "In the Line of Fire," "No Way Out," "Cape Fear," "The Hunt for Red October" and "Days of Thunder." He has also appeared in television movies and series including "Matlock" and "Roseanne." Thompson lives in Washington, D.C., and Nashville. After the death of his adult daughter in 2002, Thompson decided not to seek reelection.

Thompson is currently a visiting fellow for the American Enterprise Institute, researching national security and intelligence (China, North Korea, and Russia.) Thompson is also signed as a public speaker with the Washington Speakers Bureau.
Thompson is also a special program host and senior analyst for ABC News Radio and fills in for Paul Harvey.

Newt Gingrich

Probably the best man for the job. No one can match his wit or depth of knowledge in the political arena. I would gladly follow where ever he leads.

In the 1994 campaign season, in an effort to offer a concrete alternative to shifting Democratic policies and to unite distant wings of the Republican Party, Gingrich presented Richard Armey's and his Contract with America. The contract was signed by himself and other Republican candidates for the House of Representatives. The contract ranged from issues with broad popular support, including welfare reform, term limits, tougher crime laws, and a balanced budget law, to more specialized legislation such as restrictions on American military participation in U.N. missions. In the November 1994 elections, Republicans gained 54 seats and took control of the House for the first time since 1954.
Longtime House Minority Leader Bob Michel of Illinois had not run for re-election in 1994, giving Gingrich, as the highest-ranking Republican returning to Congress, the inside track to becoming Speaker. Legislation proposed by the 104th United States Congress included term limits for Congressional Representatives, tax cuts, welfare reform, and a balanced budget amendment, as well as independent auditing of the finances of the House of Representatives and elimination of non-essential services such as the House barbershop and shoe-shine concessions. Congress fulfilled Gingrich's Contract promise to bring all ten of the Contract's issues to a vote within the first 100 days of the session, even though most legislation was held up in the Senate, vetoed by President Bill Clinton, or substantially altered in negotiations with Clinton. However, most parts of the Contract eventually became law in some fashion and represented a dramatic departure from the legislative goals and priorities of previous Congresses. See Implementation of the Contract for a detailed discussion of what was and was not enacted.
The Contract was criticized by the Sierra Club and by Mother Jones magazine as a Trojan horse tactic that, while deploying the rhetoric of reform, would have the real effect of allowing corporate polluters to profit at the expense of the environment;[20] It was referred to by opponents, including President Clinton, as the "Contract on America".[citation needed]

One thing I would really enjoy is watching these two men debate at Cooper Union college

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